Posts Tagged ‘Building Codes’

AndIThoughT© …….. Earthquake in Chile #2

I woke up this morning to the news of the devastation in Concepcion. AndIThoughT© ………. Oh No, not another one. Are we in earthquake season…!!!…

The initial  images from Concepcion, Chile are similar to the ones we saw from Port-Au-Prince, Haiti. The devastation is large scale infrastructure, housing damage and collapse of highways and bridges. The electricity and communications has also been affected. There were Tsunami warnings issued for Polynasia, New Zealand, Hawaii and other countries and Islands in the Pacific.

Chilean President Michele Bachelet has declared “state of catastrophe” in the affected area and said that about 2 million people have been affected.

Courtesy USGS

She has asked for help from the international community noting the size of the catastrophe. President Obama said that US is ready to help Chile.

We are fortunate that the death toll estimates so far indicate that they are order of magnitude smaller than the one we saw in Haiti.

………..AndIWondeR© ……….the reasons. ………………………………Was Chile better prepared than Haiti….!!!

AndThenIThoughT© …………   once  again…..!!!

Should the UN, US, EU, AU, SAARC and other population centers individually and collectively start evaluating vulnerabilities of different areas and plan for the response? Should the humanitarian aid be made available to rectify the problems before a disaster strikes?




Posted by Saba Rahman - February 27, 2010 at 7:08 pm

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